Member Miner


A non-profit organization needed an efficient way to track its members on a weekly basis. They were experiencing a high number of dropouts due to poor tracking of members. 

My role

I was responsible for the UX and UI of the tablet and web apps. 


Quick and easy check-in
Checking into the facility should be a pleasant experience for the members. 

Analytics without the bloat
Only focus on the things that matter to the organization.



This project was tackled by a small and highly motivated team. To collect good data, we needed the participation of all members of the organization. Our time was constrained by how much budget remained on the project since it wasn’t fully funded.

First experience

For members to check-in at the location, we chose the tablet as the initial experience. After testing out different ways to check-in, we decided on a 5-step process. 


Attendance was the most relevant data the organization wanted to see, so I presented a graph to give a quick idea of how things are going.

As a result, they wanted to reach out to new members. Since email was their preferred method of contact, I created a list format that displayed a list of the newest members with your email address for quick access. 

We were also concerned about retaining our current members. Instead of showing another list of names, we left this section empty until someone met the criteria. In the event of someone missing a week, the organization would be able to identify those who need extra attention. 

Looking back

Sadly, this project had to end due to budgetary reasons, but I would have liked to improve the overall checking-in experience once we had more data. To get better data, I would have liked to set up better analytics on the tablet app’s backend. 

This project could have been a good candidate for gamification. I would have liked to have explored it more in the early stages.